Friday, May 29, 2009

I have to let this out!!!

Hello folks... I need to clarify something here... In my last post, I mentioned the closure of this blog... Please get this right... This blog might be closed down for good in 2 months time... NOT SAYING THAT THIS BLOG WILL BE CLOSED FOR 2 MONTHS... The reason is because I started this blog is to have a channel to illustrate my life in Bristol... Hence, when I am back in Malaysia, this blog will serve no purpose anymore... Fret not... I might have a revamp and come up with a new theme for it... This is the plan for now...

Back to the main point of this post... My housemate, Suhan is really getting on my nerves... Remember the one I mentioned before who will turn the kitchen into post war site after cooking??? Well, I am not pissed over the kitchen incident as I am numb over that... This time it's a different case... Well, as all of you know, for the past one month, I was busy preparing for exam... So I have decided to do housework right after exam... It's acceptable... He, who was done with his exam long time ago has not been cleaning up the house for quite some time... I am fine with it... Until yesterday, I informed Echo that I will clean the bathroom today as I was already tired after cleaning the kitchen... Echo asked me not to do it as she feels that it is unfair for me to clean it although I am very free... She told me that either she or Suhan will clean it... Echo wrote him a note asking him whether he will clean the bathroom or not... And guess what??? He asked Echo to check the rota for last year to see who has never cleaned the bathroom before... And this morning, when I went downstairs, he actually counted the time we did the housework from the rota...

I am angry because he is being calculative... Will it die for doing extra housework??? As housemates, should we really bother how many times we do housework??? Isn't staying comfortably in a clean house is the ultimate purpose of doing housework??? Why must he be so calculative???!!! He annoyed me to the extent that I don't feel like talking to him... Has it ever crossed his mind that who is the one who cleaned up the mess in the kitchen after he cooked??? WTF... Inconsiderate, selfish and arrogant housemate sucks!!!! So what you are smart, good-looking, confident, etc??? This is only what you yourself thought about yourself... For me, you are just an a**hole!!! You are only good at finding excuses to cover up your weaknesses... This will never ever work on me... Because you appear to be very fake...

I can't stand seeing him for another day!!! Arghhhh... Pissed!!!!

Shi Hui~~

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