Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Season confusion...

I am wondering what is winter exactly... I always thought winter will be so so so cold throughout the whole season... But how come it's so different in Bristol... It was like -6 degree celcius last week and yesterday was like 10 degree celcius... Hahaha... And today is a sunny day... It's so sunny that you feel hot at home... It's so hot that you can really sweat... Good also... It has been so long since I last sweated...

I am confused over the season now... But somehow the weather between 6 to 10 degree is really very comfortable... Short pants and a hoodie is just nice... Perfect combination... Hahaha...

But winter is great... Got sales sales sales which means shopping with no guilt... Wakaka... Till then...

Take care and miss ya... Muacksss...

Shi Hui~~

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