Friday, January 30, 2009

Emo day....

It has been a bad habit of mine to vent my frustration by going shopping alone and have a shopping spree... Today is the second time in Bristol that I went shopping to release my emo... It was a fruitful trip but I wasn't totally out of my emo yet... Guess it's PMS... Period is late again... Sigh... Today I really bought a lot a lot... Less than 4 hours time, I told myself that I should stop buying because there is no way I can carry any more bags... Anyway, I came out with this graph to show the relationship between emo level and the amount of money spent...

How to get rid of this bad habit??? I want to go home!!! I miss everyone so much...

Shi Hui~~


CS said...

Jz go and learn and try to love sum sport...thn when u emo u can do the sport but it is a suggestion....

~CiPei~ said...

Wah...Chua...cs's asking you to be like him..adopt badminton and vent ur emo-ness on it..haha.. i suggest's better to keep hitting da wall...lolx!

ShiHui said...

hmmmm... i m so surprised tat cs does read my blog... hehehe... i m not into sports... my fren suggested to me to go for a jog or a walk when i emo... hehe...