Thursday, February 12, 2009

Love Post...

I MUST MUST really post this before I forgot... As everyone knows, Valentine's Day is on Saturday and I did mention in my Blur Nag that I had sent out my cards a week ago and of course the recipients have received their card... One of the recipients is of course my pa, mummy, jie, han, mek and wei (they are categorised as one recipient)... Hahaha... It's a huge gigantic Valentine's card sent back... That's not the main point anyway...

Today when I signed in MSN and saw one of my sis, Han, was in MSN with the personal message, "why u always make me cry?"... I somehow got a shock as I would have assumed being the most soft-hearted, gentle and angelic girl like her should not be made cry even though cases of her being bullied is really normal... I am not exaggerating... She's really soft spoken, gentle and angelic... I sometimes do get jealous over her... So I asked who made her cry... To my surprise, she said me... I was even caught more in surprise because I seem not to do anything at all as I was not around back at home... Then she added on that everytime a card from me reaches home with her being one of the recipients, she will cry... Just that I was not made known...

Thinking back, I cried when writing those wishes on the card too... Although I do feel bad making her cry, it seems that the card managed to convey my wishes and feelings to everyone back at home... It seems that the card managed to serve its purpose... Everytime when I send back something, they will be telling me how happy they are... Han, it's absolutely right to say that you are the most missable... Thanks a lot...

That is the mutual feeling I want... I don't mean that everyone should cry when receiving my cards or whatsoever, but at the very least, let me know that what I did have been appreciated... Never ever doubt any single word I penned down on the card... It's really my thoughts, wishes and feelings from the bottom of my heart... I did put in effort, seriously...

The person closest to your heart is none other than your FAMILY... I am truly blessed to have each and everyone of them throughout my life... Indeed you all brighten up and colourised my life in so many ways that I can't put into word... FAMILY = Father and Mother I Love You and mine includes 4 lovely sisters, Ying, Han, Yi and Wei... Muackss muacksss...

Take care and miss ya...

Shi Hui~~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ленивый человек в бесчестном покое сходен с неподвижною болотною водою, которая, кроме смраду и презренных гадин, ничего не производит. Нет в жизни счастья бездельнику. Землепашец, стоящий на своих ногах, гораздо выше джентльмена, стоящего на коленях. Лучшие работники больше других работают и больше других отдыхают. Не откладывайте на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня. Работа утомляет, безделье растлевает. Трудись как муравей, если хочешь быть уподоблен пчеле. Работать нужно с умом, а не до ночи.

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