Friday, February 6, 2009

Snowy Day with Housemates... :D 050209

Yesterday, 050209, UWE was declared CLOSED due to HEAVY SNOW!!! HOORAY!!! This means I don't have to attend class... Hahaha... Of course, my housemates, Echo, Suhan and I were so excited to go play and take pictures in the snow... Usually the journey that takes us 15minutes took us 2hours yesterday... We were too mad... And of course, we had great fun destroying all those snow... :P:P:P Enjoy the pictures...

P/S : For everyone's information, Shi Hui, the Blur Queen had THREE great fall yesterday which made her bones all out of place today... Sweat... =.=

It's still snowing while I am typing this post... UWE is closed AGAIN for another day due to HEAVIER SNOW!!! Wakaka... More snow, more snow and more snow... HOORAY!!! Now I finally understand why mummy insisted to buy me a RED jacket... Because I am so easily spotted in those pictures taken... Wakaka... According to my housemate, I am OLD RED RIDING HOOD... Sweat... =.=... Why mummy insisted that I should get myself a pair of gloves from Malaysia when it's only autumn in Bristol... She knew that I am going to play in the snow... Wakaka... :P:P:P

Take care and miss ya... Muackssss...

Shi Hui~~

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