Friday, November 21, 2008

Wake up the devil in me!!!

It marks the beginning of a new chapter of my life... Yesterday was indeed a foul day for me... Created a new record... Crying marathon... Cried for 7hours with 2hours break in between... Anyone up for the challenge??? And now my eyes are painful... Sweat... It seems that the tap is broken... I wanted to turn it off so badly but then it can't be turned off... Hmmm... But I manage to find a repairman just now... You guys should know who he is... Everything is settled.. I cried not for anyone else... I cried for myself... I am mourning for the demise of the old Shi Hui... The angelic soft-hearted and easily being bullied Shi Hui... Anyone disagree or feel like vomitting??? Hahaha... Don't worry... She won't come and haunt you... She wouldn't appear so easily anymore...

I realised how useless I am now... The moment something cropped up, all I know is to cry... Nothing else... The next thing is to grab the phone and make a call...Somehow after the phone call, I will know what to do... There is someone giving me the strength and solution all the time... I am being protected and pampered to the extreme now...

By the way, thanks for those who are there lending me your ears... Really appreciate it... You guys are simply wonderful... Life with you guys around are much more colourful indeed... A friend in need is a friend indeed...

I learnt a lot today... I got screwed from morning till night... It's time for me to wake up... I feel much much better now... Going to have a tight sleep tonight... Yesterday was history, today is a gift and tomorrow is a mystery... I am awaiting for my mystery... Thanks again... You guys know who you are...

Good night... Take care and miss ya...

Shi Hui~

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